Friday, August 12, 2005

My Attempts At Losing Weight

I certainly came off topic a little in my last post, but it does lead very well into my next topic about all the times that I tried and failed to lose weight.

I had such horrible experiences socially that every once in a while I would get the great idea in my head that I was going to lose weight. To say I gave 100% each time I tried to lose weight would be a lie. If I had given all my effort, I would have lost the weight, and that is eventually what happened.

I do not remember exact details about each time I tried to lose weight; I don’t even know how many times I got the weight loss idea in my head. What I do recall is a series of stories surrounding these attempts, and it is those stories that I want to share with you.

I remember on at least two occasions trying to be bribed to lose weight. Once, my grandmother offered to pay me 5 dollars for every pound I lost. That worked for about a week and I am not sure I ever cashed in. I should have made a deal like that before I started to really lose weight. I could have made $375. Money certainly was not a good enough motivation to get me to lose weight.

My mom also tried to give me gifts for every pound I lost. They would be little things, but something worth my while. Again, this only lasted so long, as my mom ran out of things to give me after about a week. After that my exercising and attempted weight loss went out the window.

From these attempts to end my obesity I learned that the motivation to lose weight must come from the inside. One must lose weight because they want to for themselves. I wanted to improve socially and get better looking, so I finally set my mind to losing weight and I pulled it off, eventually.

I was clearly never close to being successful at losing weight and keeping it off in the two attempts I talked about above. I am sure there are other instances where I would try to increase my physical activity for a few weeks only to come up with some great excuse why I needed to cut back on exercising, but I can’t recall them. I do know this, every time I tried to lose weight prior to November 2003 I only attacked one of the two problems that most obese people have. These two problems exist in physical activity and caloric consumption. I was not exercising enough or at all, and I had horrible eating habits. In my previous attempts to lose weight I only tried to fix the exercise half of my weight problem. When I finally decided it was time to lose weight for real, I grabbed the bull by the horns and took on both aspects of weight loss at the same time. I started to exercise more and I began to eat right. In my opinion the only way to lose weight is if you can create good exercising and eating habits.

There is one last story I want to share about my attempts to lose weight. I kind of would like comments back on this to see if anyone went through the same thing. Every once in a while when I was obese, I would have these dreams or thoughts while in bed and all the sudden I would start moving my legs and I woke up thinking I have to lose weight. Call me crazy, which I swear I am not, but I would wake up to see my body trying to work out. My body was trying to tell myself it was time to lose weight, but always to no avail. It freaked me out, but eventually my brain got smart, and come November of the year 2003, it was time for me to lose the weight for real and I did.


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